I'm using Intent.ACTION_SEND
to send an email. However, when I call the intent
it is showing choices to send a message, send an email, and also to send via bluetooth. I want it to only show choices to send an email. How can I do this?
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I'm not taking credit for this answer but I believe it gives the best answer for this post.
It's a common misconception to use text/plain or text/html. This will trigger any application that can handle plain or HTML text files without any context, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote and Skype.
Instead use a
, providing themailto:
UriYou can then proceed using the chooser as suggested through the other answers.
Answered by @PaulLammertsma here Android email chooser
You could try setting type to
as well.try this....
[Solution for API LEVEL >=15]
I've finally succeded in sending email WITH attachments to ONLY email clients. I write it here because it took me a lot of time and it may be usefull to others.
The problem is:
Intent.ACTION_SENDTO takes Data URI (so you can specify "mailto:" schema) BUT it does not accept Intent:EXTRA_STREAM.
Intent.ACTION_SEND accepts Intent:EXTRA_STREAM (so you can add attachment) BUT it takes only Type (not Data URI so you cannot specify "mailto:" schema).
So Intent.ACTION_SEND lets the user choose from several Activities, even if you setType("message/rfc822"), because that App/Activities can manage all file types (tipically GDrive/Dropbox Apps) and so even email message files.
The solution is in the setSelector method. With this method you can use Intent.ACTION_SENDTO to select the Activity, but then send the Intent.ACTION_SEND Intent.
Here my solution code (the attachment came from a FileProvider, but it could be any file):
This saved my day. It sends composed text message directly to gmail app:
First solution: try to be more specific in your Intent parameters. Add a message recipient for instance
Second solution: use the package manager to find all applications capable of sending a message and select the only those you want to use.
@Ganapathy:try this code for display gmail