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- Python 3 in Enthought Canopy 3 answers
I installed Enthought Canopy on a Mac and it's using Apple's built-in Python 2.7.3 version.
Out[1]: '2.7.3 | 32-bit | (default, Jun 14 2013, 18:24:40) \n[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]'
How can I change it to Python 2.7.5 which I manually installed on the computer?
It's actually showing you Enthought-built Canopy Python which is 2.7.3, not Apple's.
At present, you can't change this. Long-term, this may be a possibility.
Canopy Python will probably update to 2.7.5 within the next few months.