I have a simple app I am developing that needs to iterate through a list of URLs which are passed to a WebBrowsers Navigate function in a for each loop. I was hoping to see the DocumentCompleted event firing after each call of the Navigate function but it only seems to be fired after the whole form has completed loading - and this the loop has completed.
I guess I am missing something fundamental here but some help and advice would be great!
Here is a sample of code that I am trying...
This foreach loop runs n the Form Load event of the WinForms page I am using...
int id = 0;
foreach (DataRow row in quals.Rows)
URN = row["LAIM_REF"].ToString();
string URN_formated = URN.Replace("/", "_");
string URL = "http://URL_I_AM_GOING_TOO/";
string FullURL = URL + URN_formated;
wbrBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
id += 1;
label1.Text = id.ToString();
At the point the loop gets to the line:
I was hoping that the event:
private void wbrBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
would fire therefore being able to run processes against each of the URLs returned in the loop.
I used:
after the Navigate function and it now works as expected.