I'm having an issue with a table accepting too many digits after the decimal, despite defining it's precision and scope.
rails generate model Hotel name:string 'rating:decimal{2,1}'
class CreateHotels < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :hotels do |t|
t.string :name
t.decimal :rating, precision: 2, scale: 1
However, I am able to do the following.
Hotel.create!(name: “The Holiday Inn”, rating: 3.75)
Additionally, I have a rooms table (Room model), with
t.decimal :rate, precision: 5, scale: 2 #this holds the room's nightly rate
I input 99.99 into this column, but it ends up storing it as 99.98999999..
Why do I have these 2 decimal issues? If I have defined my scope, why am I allowed to input more scope than I have defined?
That suggests that you're using SQLite which doesn't really have a
data type, if you ask SQLite to create adecimal(m,n)
column it will create aREAL
is a floating point type, not a fixed precision type. To solve this problem, stop using SQLite; odds are that you're not going to deploy a real application on top of SQLite anyway so you should be developing with the same database that you're going to deploy on.Also, if you're using a fixed precision type for
, you should not say this:as that 3.75 will be a floating point value in Ruby and it could get messed up before the database sees it. You should say one of these instead:
so that you stay well away from floating point front to back.