I'm trying to create a progress bar in Google app scripting , which when some one click a button (Go) it will be automatically, slowly go to start to end . Something you see in Firefox download window. this is my code.
function doGet(e) {
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var progressPanel = app.loadComponent("progressbar_auto");
var gobutton =app.getElementById("go_btn");
var go_btn_handler =app.createServerHandler("updateProgressbar");
return app;
//function time(i){
// Utilities.sleep(5);
// }
function updateProgressbar(){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication()
for(var i =1 ; i < 250 ; i++ ){
app.getElementById("progress").setWidth(i + 'px');
return app;
But according to this code for loop will execute very speedy & ,progress bar completed very quick . Is there any way to slow this.
You can find the my application here.
Is there any way to add a slide bar , to control the progress bar. Something we can do in php or HTML 5.
Updated answer: to get the status of scripts running server side, you need to store progress to the cache. Then the client side can call a server-side function to retrieve it. https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/cache/cache-service
Why don't you use HtmlServices for this. Just try it: Click Here
You can use jquery to implement this.
No, there isn't a real way to do a progress bar on Apps Script.
There's some workarounds though. You can add multiple handlers to the same button, and in each one, with a different sleep time, you can update the GUI many times. Or, as most do, show an endless progress gif animation in a client handler (for instant feedback) and after your second handler finishes, a ServerHandler where you actually do the work, you hide the image and return the results.