in my Java code I have this snippet:
String str = "\\u9601";
But I want it to be:
String str = "\u9601";
which represents a wide character.
Are there ways to do this?
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the badly-described question.
System.out.print("\u9601"); //this will display a Chinese character
I am currently request a webpage(URL) which response with a JSON. If dumped to Console using "System.out.print", the JSON will turn out to be 6 visible characters \, u, 9, 6, 0 and 1,but not a Chinese character in eclipse.
So actually what I want is are there APIs can convert "\\u9601" to "\u9601", since I can not hard code the Java source for the contents comes from website.
If you want it to be
String str = "\u9601";
, keep it that way!Edit based on the updated question
The StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava method in the Apache Commons Lang API should be of help: