I have a table sets in a popup window to show orders placed by a specific userID
<div id="shpcart">
<div id="shpop">
<tr><th></th><th>Item name</th><th colspan="2">Price</th><th>shipping</th></tr><th>Quantity</th>
<tbody id= "cartbody">
Here is the ajax to send the userID to the server
var htmlId = $(this).attr('id');
var idarray = htmlId.split('-');
var itemId = idarray[1];
type: "POST",
url: "tempselector.php",
data: {'proId': itemId }
}).done(function( msg ) {
var output = jQuery.parseJSON(msg);
var htmlstring;
alert ("im running");
for(var index=0;index<output.length; index++){
var itmnam = output[index][1];
var itmpic = output[index][2];
var itmpr = output[index][3];
var itmdisc = output[index][4];
var itmdesc = output[index][5];
var itmshp = output[index][6];
var itmav = output[index][7];
htmlstring +="<tr><th><img src = '../cartimg/'"+itmpic+"></th><td>"+itmnam+"</td><td>"+itmdisc+"</td><td>"+itmshp+"</td><td>QTY</td></tr>";
and here is the PHP to fetch the order of the passed user id
$uId = $_SESSION["uId"];
$prID = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST["proId"]);
//$pQty = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST["prQTY"]);
$pQty = 2;
//$prID = 4;
$sqlget= "SELECT * FROM vasplus_programming_blog_pagination WHERE id='".$prID."'"; // to find the selected item
$resultget = mysqli_query($link, $sqlget);
$itemget = mysqli_fetch_array($resultget);
$itemId = $itemget[0]; // store the selected id in var
$itemNm = $itemget[1];
$ITimage = $itemget[2];
$ITprice = $itemget[3];
//$ITdiscount =$itemget[4];
$ITdescription =$itemget[5];
$ITshipping =$itemget[6];
// $ITavailable = $itemget[7];
$ITcontrycod =$itemget[8];
$itemCol = $itemget[9]; // store the selected color in var
$itemSiz = $itemget[10]; // store the selected size in var
$ITqty = $itemget[11];
// we need to search the temp table to see if the selected item is there
$sqlsrch= "SELECT * FROM XXXXX WHERE product_id ='".$prID."' AND size = '".$itemSiz."' AND color = '".$itemCol."' AND user_id = '".$uId."' "; // if the item is in the temp table or not
$resultsrch = mysqli_query($link, $sqlsrch);
$itemsrch = mysqli_fetch_array($resultsrch);
echo $itemsrch;
if (isset($itemsrch)){
$adqty = $itemsrch[8];
$adqty ++;
$sqlupdate=" UPDATE XXXXXX SET qty='".$adqty."' WHERE product_id ='".$prID."' AND size = '".$itemSiz."' AND color = '".$itemCol."' AND user_id = '".$uId."' "; // update the qty of theexisting items in temp table
$resultupdate = mysqli_query($link, $sqlupdate);
}else {
echo " user id searching ";
$sqlisUsr= "SELECT * FROM XXXXXX WHERE user_id = '".$uId."' "; // check if the user has any item in the temp table
$resultisUsr = mysqli_query($link, $sqlisUsr);
$isUsr = mysqli_fetch_array($resultisUsr);
if (isset($isUsr)){ // if user has items in the cart
$getOrdId = $isUsr[2]; // get the order ID
$sqladdN=" INSERT INTO XXXXXXx (order_id, user_id, photo, express, qty, unit_price, country, color, size, product_id) VALUES ('$getOrdId', '$uId' , '$ITimage' , '$ITshipping' , '$pQty', '$ITprice' , '$ITcontrycod' , '$itemCol' , '$itemSiz' , '$prID' ) "; // insert the item with the existing order ID
$resultaddN = mysqli_query($link, $sqladdN); }else{ // user has no record in temp order
echo " else is running " ;
$ReNth = 0;
$oId = 1;
while ($ReNth != 1){
$sqlNewOiD= "SELECT * FROM XXXXXX WHERE order_id = '".$oId."'"; // generate a new order ID
$resultOsrch = mysqli_query($link, $sqlNewOiD);
$oIdsrch = mysqli_fetch_array($resultOsrch);
if (isset($oIdsrch)){
echo $oId++;
echo " order Id generated " .$oId;
}else{ // insert the new item with the new order id in the temp table
echo $oId."oId<br />" ;
echo $uId."uId<br />" ;
echo $ITimage."<br />" ;
echo $ITshipping."<br />" ;
echo $pQty."<br />" ;
echo $ITprice."<br />" ;
echo $ITcontrycod."<br />" ;
echo $itemCol."<br />" ;
echo $itemSiz."<br />" ;
echo $prID."<br />" ;
$sqladdNOID = " INSERT INTO XXXXXx (order_id, user_id, photo, express, qty, unit_price, country, color, size, product_id) VALUES ('$oId', '$uId' , '$ITimage' , '$ITshipping' , '$pQty', '$ITprice' , '$ITcontrycod' , '$itemCol' , '$itemSiz' , '$prID' ) ";
$resultaddNOID = mysqli_query($link, $sqladdNOID);
$ReNth = 1; // quit the searching for unique order id loop
}//end if
}//end while
}// end if
}// end if
// pars json code for the cart
$sql= "SELECT * FROM XXXXX WHERE user_id = '".$uId."'" ;
$result = mysqli_query($link, $sql);
while($item = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$array[] = $item;
echo json_encode($array);
The problem is that the ajax is not able to retrieve the parsed array by the PHP. I see that the $uId being passed to the PHP and the PHP code works fine and $array has been fetched, but in return the ajax isn't able to read the $array .
please help me here
if unnecesary output is present then json can not be parsed, that's the issue. problem has been solved
about the ajax method, you can try this code: