I am using XCODE 5. I have added app icon image into project. Is there a way to disable or enable app icon? Disable means do not show icon when disabled otherwise must show icon on device/simulator.
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No, You cannot hide an App icon (legally). That is, Apple does not allow such a feature and it cannot be done in Non-Jailbreak apps. You can only do this if you Jailbreak your iOS.
It's not 100% clear to me whether you want to hide the icon dynamically/programmatically, or not. I didn't see that requirement explicitly, so I'm assuming you don't need programmatic control:
This can be done, and it does not require jailbreaking.
It is, however, something that Apple would reject in their App Store. Please, however, do not equate what is not allowable in the App Store with what requires jailbreaking. Those are not the same thing. There are many "private" or "undocumented" features you may want to use in a hobbyist or enterprise app that doesn't get distributed through the App Store.
To hide an app's icon on the SpringBoard, add this to your Info.plist file: