I watched the AMQP 1.0 presentation by David Ingham, responsible for AMQP at Microsoft, which is about Azure AppFabric's support of AMQP messaging in the cloud. David says AppFabric will support AMQP for the messaging patterns Queue and Pub/Sub.
Yet when checking documentation on official websites such as http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/java/how-to-guides/service-bus-queues/ (especially looking at non-.net stuff that, according to David's talk is supposed to connect via AMQP, rather than MS' proprietary and SOAP-based SBMP) there's no mention of AMQP anywhere.
Also, when checking the C# source code David uses for his demo (see page 22 on his slides), he uses a AmqpMessagingFactory
that is nowhere to be googled - except in aforementioned slides.
Btw, the presentation was put on infoq.com on March 15, 2012, rather recently, but the talk was recorded in October 2011, around the time of the AMQP 1.0 spec finalization.
So did AMQP 1.0 support get ditched (in favor of SBMP
perhaps) along the way?
As of this week, Azure Service Bus supports AMQP 1.0. More information is available at: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/how-to-guides/service-bus-amqp-overview/.
It says this "Service Bus Queues offer simple first in, first out guaranteed message delivery and supports a range of standard protocols (REST, AMQP, WS*) and API’s to put/pull messages on/off a queue."
here: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/home/features/messaging/