Helle every one !
I have added din.otf font in my iOS project. Then in my plist I have :
Now when I want to use it I juste have to write this line :
lalel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"din" size:12.f];
Am I right ? It doen't work at all ... Thanks !
Try to list all fonts that are available on your device after importing by adding this piece of code :
(taken from : http://ajnaware.wordpress.com/2008/10/24/list-of-fonts-available-on-the-iphone/)
Legacy Answer
And try to search for your font name.
// End Legacy Answer
I've found a way to load font at runtime which does not involve to add it on the .plist file.
And you can just use the name that NSLog(@"Loaded: %@", fontName); output.