I'm looking for some assistance with automating a task I do several times per day.I receive emails from a certain address which I automatically sort (using Rules) into a dedicated folder.
These emails have hyperlinks to different documents to download from the web; however the links are not written as a URL, rather there is a link saying "Open the document".
I click on this link, it opens the PDF, then I save this PDF
file on my desktop before I upload it to a document library
I'm looking to automate this process. It's a fiddly task doing it manually because I receive so many emails, and downloading each one separately to a folder on my machine and then uploading them to my document library takes a long time.
I don't have much programming experience with VBA
but I'm willing to learn.
Could anyone help me?
Start with enabling the Developer Tab in OutLook.
Then how to create a Macro in OutLook
Copy the code below into a new Module.
Finally, edit your rule to move the emails and add another step to run a script. Click in the rule your new Module should show up.