Im working on an iOS app, Swift language, iOS8, Xcode 6.1. It was running fine on the iPad. Then I added a "Resource" folder reference to the project, after which I am getting the Code sign error.
The Resource folder contains some HTML files. I am not sure how this folder reference is causing this problem. Any help please?
Just in case someone else is having this issue: Make sure you didn't add a Static Framework into the "Embedded Binaries" section, only Dynamic Frameworks are required to be there.
I have the same issue for some hours. But the following helped me.
Then running again, worked.
I had similar issue now and it has been actually caused by Fabric's Embed script and resolved by removing a space inside path to project file.
Having a perfectly buildable workspace in project folder called 'app-ios' I have made a copy named 'app-ios 2' and it was not possible to build that. codesign did report
bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
and respective path was not to the bundle, but ended with/app-ios
instead ofapp-ios 2/DerivedData/...
After renaming the folder to
the workspace is buildable again.Addition to accepted answer I thought I should add this-
For me I am getting this error because Xcode-8 is actually using Test Target while running app on device. So if its the same then follow these steps:
Go to Edit Scheme in xcode -> In Build Target -> Remove MyProject.xctest completely or uncheck all the boxes of MyProject.xctest Analyze , Test etc..
Clean your project and then Run on the device.
PS: Answer is from this Link
Problem started after upgrading to Xcode 8.1. My project utilizes CocoaPods. I had to delete the
dir and runpod install
andpod update
(which updated Flurry-iOS-SDK to 7.8.1). Why? Because reasons.solved here
good luck