UPDATE (RELEVANT DETAIL): This composite view is within a collection of composite views.
How can I construct the following HTML using a Backbone.Marionette composite view?
<optgroup label="Group 1">
<option>Item 1</option>
<option>Item 2</option>
<option>Item 3</option>
<optgroup label="Group 2">
<option>Item 4</option>
<option>Item 5</option>
<option>Item 6</option>
Since I want to avoid the <div>
wrapper, I will have to specify <optgroup>
as the tagName.
view = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
collection: some_collection,
itemView: some_itemview,
template: '#some_template', <!-- What goes inside the template? -->
itemViewContainer: 'optgroup',
tagName:'optgroup', <!--specify to avoid the default div-->
<!-- What should I specify in order to pass label="Group1" to the optgroup tag-->
Don't use a CompositeView for this. You don't need a wrapper template since the wrapper in this case is only the
tag.Use a CollectionView instead, which doesn't render a wrapper template.
For the group #, use the onRender method
You could set the view element attributes in for example the initialize or onRender function, eg:
or replace initialize with:
If you have an existing element such as:
You can set the element of the view as such:
A combination of Derick and Lasse's answers lead me to the solution. The
was what I was missing. Below is a summary for future readers.The structure of the nested collection views:
CollectionOfCollections =
Collection =
Nested collections with Backbone.Marionette
ItemView =