For my School project I had to show that I can utilize file handling within a program. For this I made a very simple login process that you can create an account on that writes a username and password to a text file located in the resource folder. Obviously this has no security at all as it wasn't designed to be secure just to showcase file handling however my teacher has said that I should attempt to add some encryption to the file as well to get a better grade.
I have done some research and many people are recommending DES.
The problem I'm having is I don't have much time left for my project and need to finish it asap. Using DES seems like it would take a while to implement all the extra code.
In my program I am using a simple lineNumberReader to read the files line by line. To write to the files I am using a BufferedWriter.
Is there anyway to encrypt this data very simply? It doesn't have to be very secure but I need to show that I have atleast attempted to encrypt the data. The encryption and decryption would all be completed on the same application as data isn't being transferred.
Potentially a way I can create a very simple encryption and decryption algorithm myself?
I don't know who recommends DES to encrypt password. I suggest you to follow these step if you would to impress your teacher:
This solution makes your project real and you can reuse it to pass the exam of your future Crypto Module :) . Otherwise I like the solution proposed from StanislavL.
Bouncy Castle Crypto API is a lightweight cryptography API in Java.
An easy and fun scrambling algorithm would be the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Not really a secure encryption, but seriously, it's a school work and this is awesome.