I wonder if it's possible to access to the SIM card with an Android Application
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You can get the IMEI like this (but is it what you want ?), just an exemple :
Likewise, you have
Returns the ISO country code equivalent for the SIM provider's country code.
String getSimOperator():
Returns the MCC+MNC (mobile country code + mobile network code) of the provider of the SIM.String getSimOperatorName():
Returns the Service Provider Name (SPN).String getSimSerialNumber():
Returns the serial number of the SIM, if applicable.int getSimState():
Returns a constant indicating the state of the device SIM card.String getSubscriberId():
Returns the unique subscriber ID, for example, the IMSI for a GSM phone.For more, take a look at this page
and don't forget to add the correct permission in the manifest (
getDeviceId() => Requires Permission: READ_PHONE_STATE
)SEEK is most useful one,but majority Android phones are not support that.So,maybe we can assess SIM card by some other method like read SMS(in SIM card).
You should use IccFileHandler in interal api of android using java reflection . It is located at framework/base/telephony
SIM card access is only possible for system applications:
source: https://source.android.com/security/overview/app-security.html#sim-card-access
Without SmartCardAPI from SEEK(Secure Element Evaluation Kit) its never possible. In majority Android phones available in market SmartCardAPI is not implemented. So either you build your own Android after integrating the SmartCardAPI code or wait for some decent phone with this feature to come out. You can find the patch file for implementation here.
SmartCard API for Android might be of interest for you: http://code.google.com/p/seek-for-android/