I have created a new url/route in my app where I need to write a web-service. I need to write a service that deletes user according to the parameters passed in the service. For now, anyone should be able to call that service (will make it secure at later stage). App is built on meteor.
My url is : loaclhost:3000/deleteUser. Now one should be able to call my delete user function defined on this page and pass json structure data as an argument to it. If the data is valid, then the user should be deleted.
Using simple:rest package
Meteor.publish("delUser", function (a, b) {
UserDetails.remove({}); //delete user according to data received
}, {
url: "/testing/delUser", //url where third party will call the function
getArgsFromRequest: function (request) {
// Let's say we want this function to accept a form-encoded request
// with fields named `a` and `b`.
console.log('received : ' + JSON.stringify(request.body) );
var content = request.body;
// Since form enconding doesn't distinguish numbers and strings, we need
// to parse it manually
return [content.a, content.b];
How to access the function, delUser from a thrid party? I also need to add authentication at a later stage.
Personnally, I use this :
I find it easier to implement.
The easiest way to do this is use the restivus package.
even iron:router comes with server side routes where you can build your own functions and api calls. http://iron-meteor.github.io/iron-router/#restful-routes
Sample (Server side code) :
The other user can call this by making a http.post request to the above url (http:www.a****a.com/api/params)