All of the infrastructure components required to implement a CQRS based application seem to be out of the box within AppEngine.
Unfortunately, I can't find anything related to this subject.
Few possible reasons
- It's a well kept secret beyond "Architecture Astronauts"
- It's a worthless overkill architecture because AppEngine scales out "by design"
- It's not mainstream yet
However, even if no complete code is available, provided anyone has hints, bits of targeted code, pros/cons regarding CQRS on top of AppEngine, I'd be greatly honored to benefit from your knowledge.
Thanks in advance.
Note 1: At least, a similar project exists in the .Net ecosystem (Lokad-CQRS which targets Windows Azure)
Note 2: Even if I'm rather python inclined, answers related to Java experience are welcome
Hi there, this is not on AppEngine, however it is generic enough to help you get started:
Also, I think this dude was trying some CQRS with Ruby, again not Python. But this could work as a guideline if you decide to go the Python way.
BTW, the Google group DDD/CQRS is really active and might be of help.