I'm trying to join a pivot table on a MySQL query. Basically I'm selecting the users, where one user has multiple sub categories.
So in essence with my "sub_categories relationship, one user has many sub categories. But because I am using RAW select, I cannot select / use the relationships. Instead I have to use a join.
This is my sub_categories table
Column Type Comment id int(10) unsigned Auto Increment main_category_id int(10) unsigned [0] category_name varchar(100) created_at timestamp NULL updated_at timestamp NULL
and this is my pivot table
Column Type Comment user_id int(10) unsigned sub_category_id int(10) unsigned
This is my SQL query
$users= DB::table('users') ->select('users.*', 'user_options.*', DB::raw(' branches.*, professional_profiles.tags, ' . $lat . ' AS latpoint, ' . $lng . ' AS longpoint, ' . $radius . ' AS radius, ' . $measurement_number . ' AS distance_unit, ( ' . $measurement_number . ' * DEGREES( ACOS( COS(RADIANS(' . $lat . ')) * COS(RADIANS(branches.lat)) * COS(RADIANS(' . $lng . ' - branches.lng)) + SIN(RADIANS(' . $lat . ')) * SIN(RADIANS(branches.lat)) ) ) ) AS distance '), 'users.id AS id') ->leftJoin('branches', 'users.branch_id', '=', 'branches.id') ->leftJoin('user_options', 'user_options.user_id', '=', 'users.id') ->leftJoin('professional_profiles', 'professional_profiles.user_id', '=', 'users.id') ->where('user_options.professional', '>', 0) ->where('users.branch_id', '>', 0) ->where(function ($x) use ($term) { $x->where('branches.branch_name', 'like', '%' . $term . '%') ->orWhere('branches.branch_city', 'like', '%' . $term . '%') ->orWhere('users.firstname', 'like', '%' . $term . '%') ->orWhere('users.lastname', 'like', '%' . $term . '%') ->orWhere('professional_profiles.tags', 'like', '%' . $term . '%'); }) ->having('distance', 'orderBy('distance', 'asc') ->limit(50) ->get();
And this is my result:
[ { id: 4, profile_id: 2, branch_id: 3, prefix: "dr", firstname: "SWK1", lastname: "Doe", email: "swk1@gmail.com", mobile_no: "811692244", password: "$2y$10$LzkPwc2TZu/.UzB.0mYJ", avatar: "123.jpg", remember_token: "wF33ShLirtvS3mIYJpmg5skVVoohGJCS7v", created_at: "2017-10-12 09:32:05", updated_at: "2017-10-12 09:32:05", provider: null, provider_id: null, user_id: 4, profile_administrator: 0, branch_administrator: 0, professional: 1, branch_name: "Swakopmund 1", branch_address_1: "14 Backer St", branch_address_2: null, branch_city: "Swakopmund", branch_state: null, branch_zip: "9000", branch_country: "NA", branch_phone: "77777", main_image: null, lat: -22.67, lng: 14.53, description: "Swakopmund 1", tags: "Doctors,Dietician,General Practitioner", latpoint: "-22.5608807", longpoint: "17.0657549", radius: 500, distance_unit: "111.045", distance: 260.210154298872 } ]
So essentially the question would be to join the sub_categories table on the users table, by making use of the values set by the pivot table, without relying on the eloquent relationships table but rather by making use of a SQL.
Since one user has many sub_categories, it would be great to return the sub_categories as an array value joined on the main SQL query.
I had similar situation and I Query Scope along with my pivot table for one to many relation. In my situation, User has multiple groups and I need to fetch those data along with user object without extra query or without JOINs. See
Query scope
and one to many and many to many with pivot on Laravel Doc.If you want to fetch data using pivote table, here is the example
User Model:
Group Model:
In above user model, see
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group','user_groups', 'user_id', 'group_id');
, where user_groups is my pivot table which defines the relationship between users and group.group_id
are the fields in pivote table.Now Fetching data (on controller) using above architechture:
is my scope defined in User model asscopeDetail
. Note:scope
prefix must be attached. This will give you the user with all the groups that user belongs to in array, so whenever you view your data in JSON you can see the structure in proper way.Using above method, my user object has all the groups that user belongs to.
If your user model(users) related to other models too then you can include all those by defining scope on model class as