I need to change the storage schema of the entities on runtime. I've followed a wonderful post, available here: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/idof/archive/2008/08/22/change-entity-framework-storage-db-schema-in-runtime.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage
This works perfectly, but only for queries, not for modifications.
Any idea why?
Well, I was looking for this piece of code all around the Internet. In the end I had to do it myself. It's based on Brandon Haynes adapter, but this function is all you need to change the schema on runtime - and you don't need to replace the autogenerated context constructors.
The resulting EntityConnection should be passed as a parameter when instantiating the context. You can modify it, so all ssdl models are modified by this function, not only the specified one.
I had a lot of problems getting this to work when using EF6 with an OData Data Service, so I had to find an alternate solution. In my case, I didn't really need to do it on the fly. I could get away with changing the schema when deploying to some test environments, and in the installer.
Use Mono.Cecil to rewrite the embedded
resources straight in the DLLs. This works just fine in my case.Here is a simplified example of how you can do this:
Not an answer per se but a followup on Jan Matousek's Create[EntityConnection] method showing how to use from a DbContext. Note DB is the DbContext type passed to the generic repository.
I was able to convert the solution from Jan Matousek to work in vb.net 2013 with entity framework 6. I will also try to explain how to use the code in vb.net.
We have a JD Edwards Database which uses different Schema's for each environment (TESTDTA, CRPDTA, PRODDTA). This makes switching between environments cumbersome as you have to manually modify the .edmx file if you want to change environments.
First step is to create a partial class that allows you to pass a value to the constructor of your entities, by default it uses the values from your config file.
Next create the function that will modify your store schema .ssdl file in memory.
Make sure that the storageNS namespace hardcoded value matches the one used in your code, you can view this by debugging the code and examining the storageXML variable to see what was actually used.
Now you can pass a new schema name, and different database connection info at runtime when you create your entities. No more manual .edmx changes required.
These were the .net libraries used:
Hope that helps anyone out there with the same issues.
I need import data from postgres database. It by default use schema "public". So I use Entity Framework CTP 4 "Code first". It by default use schema "dbo". To change it in runtime I use:
It work for select, insert, update and delete data. So next test in pass:
I've managed to resolve this issue by using a brilliant library, located in CodePlex (courtesy of Brandon Haynes), named "Entity Framework Runtime Model Adapter", available here: http://efmodeladapter.codeplex.com/
I've tweaked it a bit, to fit our needs and without the need of replacing the designer code at all.
So, I'm good.
Thanks anyways, and especially to Brandon, amazing job!