I have the following code to export certificates and keys from a keystore, that I created with keytool
in Windows:
final KeyStore keystore = KeyUtil.loadKeystore("keystore.jks", "pass");
UserInfo userinfo = new UserInfo(WSusername, WSpassword);
X509Certificate clientcert = KeyUtil.getCertificate(CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS, keystore);
X509Certificate servercert = KeyUtil.getCertificate(SERVER_KEY_ALIAS, keystore);
PrivateKey clientprivate = KeyUtil.getPrivateKey(CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS, CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD, keystore);
Yet it fails at the last line with "unable to retrieve private key for signing" It can retrieve the clientcert, but when it tries clientprivate, it fails.
My problem was that when I generated the keystore with keytool, it did not create the PrivateKey as a key entry. To fix this, I imported the .p12 keystore as the private key, which worked. My original code above then worked.