I am using Facebook SDK for iOS. I can output the results with "NSLog" but I do not know how to retrieve the values of the results from FBSDKGraphRequest outside since they are located in a completion block. I need these values for the later manipulations. I tried to put them in NSArray or NSMutableArray but could not make it.
The code for the illustration is given below:
__block NSMutableArray *results;
__block NSArray *obj;
if ([[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken] hasGranted:@"user_groups"]) {
NSLog(@"user_groups permission is granted!");
FBSDKGraphRequest *fgr = [[[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc]
parameters: nil
startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
//here I can output the results
NSLog(@"User's groups:%@", [result[@"data"] valueForKey:@"id"]);
//trying to pass the values to NSMutableArray
obj = [result[@"data"] valueForKey:@"id"];
results = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:obj];
NSLog(@"The size of the array of the results : %lu", [results count]);
Here it seems that NSMutableArray of the results is empty, so, I could not put the data of the results there. How can I retrieve the results from inside of "FBSDKGraphRequest" in order to use them later (externally)? What kind of container would help me?
You need to use [FBSDKTypeUtility arrayValue] to fetch the data.
Something like this:
Does this solve the issue for you?
Here is an example of how this is used on the SDK Samples: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/blob/652fb84a949ef358ff05afedfb2a7c408bd5c839/FBSDKShareKit/FBSDKShareKit/Internal/FBSDKGameRequestFrictionlessRecipientCache.m#L87