While using R.NET for creating an S4 object
( an output of a function from the mirt
engine.Evaluate("library(mirt); data(LSAT6); x=mirt(LSAT6,1)");
S4Object Convertedinput = inputtoCsharp.AsS4();
I need to to see the output of x (all the slots of x) into a message box.
How can I do that?
because there is no method which does something like this:
int[] resp_c = new int [] {1,1,1,1};
**IntegerVector resp_cR = engine.CreateIntegerVector(resp_c);**
engine.SetSymbol("resp_c", resp_cR);
engine.Evaluate("ff=fscores(x, response.pattern=resp_c)");
above thing is done for the integer vector. I need to emulate same for the S4 object
in R.
How will I be able to do that?
Not fully sure I understand your request, but the sample code below should help. It is also available from An R.NET support github repo, method
in file /ReproUsers/Program.cs . For future reference, written at commit 43a8ec3