I am trying to derive a function for calculating a moving/rolling correlation for two vectors and speed is a high priority, since I need to apply this function in an array function. What I have (which is too slow) is this:
Data1 = rand(3000,1);
Data2 = rand(3000,1);
function y = MovCorr(Data1,Data2)
[N,~] = size(Data1);
correlationTS = nan(N, 1);
for t = 20+1:N
correlationTS(t, :) = corr(Data1(t-20:t, 1),Data2(t-20:t,1),'rows','complete');
y = correlationTS;
I am thinking that the for
loop could be done more efficiently if I knew how to generate the roling window indices and then applying accumarray
. Any suggestions?
Following the advice from @knedlsepp, and using filter as in the movingstd, I found the following solution, which is quite fast:
Comparing with my original solution the execution times are: