I tried seting up a user for nose tests but it doesnot work
in global scope defined:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
import nose.tools as noz
inside a test class defined:
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client()
user = User(username="test", password="test")
The user is saved, which i have tested with the noz.set_trace() but when a test function calls for the same user's login, assertion error is raised:
nosetests --verbosity 1
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
> <app-path>/tests.py(59)testTestUser()
-> response = self.client.login(username=u'test', password=u'test')
(Pdb) User.objects.all()
[<User: test>]
the testTestUser function is defined like:
def testTestUser(self):
""" Tests if the django user 'test' is setup properly."""
# login the test user
response = self.client.login(username='test', password='test')
noz.assert_equal(response, True)
relevant test output is :
noz.assert_equal(response, True)
AssertionError: False != True
Ran 1 test in 0.011s
FAILED (failures=1)
My intention is to test views that have requst.user.is_authenicated() branch.
figured it out from : http://www.pukkared.com/2011/07/simulating-user-login-in-a-django-view-unit-test/
the proper code is: