So I have some simple code but it seems to not be working.. any suggestions?
I just want an image to show after a button is pressed then become invisible after 2 seconds.
button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// delay of some sort
The image never shows, it always stays invisible, should I be implementing this in another way? I've tried handlers.. but it didn't work, unless I did it wrong.
Well, you will need to add a delay between the two lines. Use a thread or a timer to do this.
Start a thread on click of a button. In the run method, change the ImageView's visibility to VISIBLE, then put the thread to sleep for n secs, and then change then make it invisible.
To call the imageView's setvisibility method, you will need a hanlder here.
I know this question has already been answered, but I thought I would add an answer for people who like me, stumbled across this looking for a similar result where the delay was caused by a process rather than a "sleep"
Never make your UI thread sleep!
Do this:
Where you would set DELAY as 2000 (ms).