I am unable to create thick wireframes. Using the following code:
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
color: new THREE.Color( 'rgb(100,100,100)' ),
emissive: new THREE.Color( 'rgb(23,23,23)' ),
shading: THREE.FlatShading,
wireframeLinewidth: 10,
wireframe: true
I get the following result:
no matter what number I use the lines are always 1px thick. I've noticed that the same is true for threejs api demos page:
is this a known bug? is there any work around?
The maximum required thickness of lines in WebGL1 is 1 so basically your browser or OS or driver has a limit of 1 for line thickness.
In WebGL2 it's even more common for the limit to be 1 because it's 1 in OpenGL 4.0+ Core Profile.
From the OpenGL 4.+ specs, section E.2.1
While WebGL2 is based on OpenGL ES 3.0 on desktops it runs on top of OpenGL 4 or ANGLE both of which have a limit of 1. Since Firefox 51 and Chrome 56 shipped yesterday and both are using ANGLE or OpenGL 4+ on desktops that means the limit is now 1 pretty much everywhere even in WebGL1
The point of all of that is unless you only care about lines of with 1 you shouldn't use GL's line drawing to draw lines (yea, I know, sounds silly).
Instead you need to come up with some other solution.
Some links,
First a library for three.js
Otherwise some articles about how to create lines