In a 3-row layout:
- the top row should be sized according to its contents
- the bottom row should have a fixed height in pixels
- the middle row should expand to fill the container
The problem is that as the main content expands, it squishes the header and footer rows:
header: sized to content
<br>(but is it really?)
main content: fills remaining space<br>
<!-- uncomment to see it break - ->
<!-- -->
footer: fixed height in px
section {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column;
align-items: stretch;
height: 300px;
header {
flex: 0 1 auto;
background: tomato;
div {
flex: 1 1 auto;
background: gold;
overflow: auto;
footer {
flex: 0 1 60px;
background: lightgreen;
/* fixes the footer: min-height: 60px; */
- (working, with small content)
- (broken, with larger content)
I'm in the lucky situation that I can use the latest and greatest in CSS, disregarding legacy browsers. I thought I could use the flex layout to finally get rid of the old table-based layouts. For some reason, it's not doing what I want...
For the record, there are many related questions on SO about "filling the remaining height", but nothing that solves the problem I'm having with flex. Refs:
- Make a div fill the height of the remaining screen space
- Fill remaining vertical space - only CSS
- Have a div to fill out the remaining height/width of a container when sharing it with another div?
- Make nested div stretch to 100% of remaining container div height
- How can I make my flexbox layout take 100% vertical space?
- etc
A more modern approach would be to use the grid property.
Make it simple : DEMO
The example below includes scrolling behaviour if the content of the expanded centre component extends past its bounds. Also the centre component takes 100% of remaining space in the viewport.
jsfiddle here
Example of html that can be used to demonstrate this behaviour