Using the code below I'm able to look through multiple sheets in a spreadsheet to find the first value that equals the selected cell. The only problem with this bit is: The cell with the value found is highlighted yellow, but the cell with the value found isn't selected. See code below for hopping through sheets. I can't get my head around this :)
Funny thing is that the code for highlighting and selecting a value does work when I'm not hopping through the list of sheets, see the best answer: Find value in spreadsheet using google script
function SearchAndFind() {
//determine value of selected cell
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sh.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var value = cell.getValue();
//create array with sheets in active spreadsheet
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
//loop through sheets to look for value
for (var i in sheets) {
//Set active cell to A1 on each sheet to start looking from there
var sheet = sh.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("A1");
//set variables to loop through data on each sheet
var activeR = cell.getRow()-1;
var activeC = cell.getColumn()-1;
var data = sheets[i].getDataRange().getValues()
var step = 0
//loop through data on the sheet
for(var r=activeR;r<data.length;++r){
for(var c=activeC;c<data[0].length;++c){
Logger.log(step+' -- '+value+' = '+data[r][c]);
if(data[r][c]==''||step==1){ continue };
This code is able to search across multiple sheets, it is obviously based on your published code but uses a memory (scriptProperties) to keep the search value 'alive' when changing from one sheet to the next one and to know when to search for it. It has 2 non-optimal aspects : 1° you have to keep searching up to the last occurrence before you can begin a new search. 2° : when it switches from sheet n to sheet n+1 it first selects cell A1 before finding the value occurrence.
I guess it should be possible to get rid of these issues but right now I don't find how :-) Maybe the approach is simply not the best, I started from a simple one sheet script modified and complexified... that's usually not the best development strategy (I know), but anyway, it was a funny experiment and a good logic exercise ... Thanks for that.