When I use cmd to count the files in a folder, the following set of codes give different results. Can you show me a correct method?
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set aa=0
for %%s in ("F:\*.*") do (
set /a aa=!aa!+1
echo !aa!
set aa=0
for %%s in ("F:\*.*") do (
set /a aa=!aa!
echo !aa!
set aa=0
for %%s in ("F:\*.*") do (
set /a aa=%aa%+1
echo %aa%
set aa=0
for %%s in ("F:\*.*") do (
set /a aa=%aa%
echo %aa%
These two snippets will count the visible files in F:\
For the case above, you can also use this:
Here is a much faster solution. Use DIR /B to list the files, piping the result to FIND /C to count the number of entries. The following will give the same result as the foxidrive solution.
option excludes directories, hidden files, and system files. Use/a-d
if you want to include hidden and system files.The
/v ""
is an arcane way to cause FIND to match any value.If you need to define a variable with the count, then use FOR /F to capture the result.