i am building a dashboard with gridster and highcharts. If i resize the window and a widget with a highchart is bigger than the window, i want to resize it to make it smaller and gridster should recalculate the positions of the others. I tried this code to make a widget and its highchart smaller if its bigger than the windows width:
$( ".dashboard > li" ).each(function()
var chart = $(this).children('div');
// console.log(' Window: ' + width);
if(chart.width() > width)
// $(this).css('width',width + 'px');
but nothing happens.
If i resize the widgets and its highcharts manually, the main grid is still bigger than the window, because it doesnt recalcualte.
Please help me with that.
Update1: Positioning-Problem
So now i've made it in this way: If the screensize is unter a limit, all widgets get the same size and will be pushed to the first row by setting data-col=1 with jquery. Now a new problem occurs: The pushed widgets are overlapping the others. I guess gridster isnt recalcualting this stuff. How do i force him to recalcualte positions? "avoid_overlapped_widgets: true" isn't working
You can set width as 100% on chart container (in CSS) or call setSize when you resize chart.
Yes its done!!!! :D
I am calculation the last row with:
and then I moved my all my widgets to the first column and the last row
move_widget is a function made here: Move Gridster Widgets programmatically
Thanks for answering
Call window resize function while you change width in gridster. Use highchart calling div's width in percentage. don't use fixed width.