If I create an AnnotationPipeline with a TokenizerAnnotator, WordsToSentencesAnnotator, POSTaggerAnnotator, and sutime, I get TimexAnnotations attached to the resulting annotation.
But if I create a StanfordCoreNLP pipeline with the "annotators" property set to "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner", I don't get TimexAnnotations even though the relevant individual tokens are NER-tagged as DATE.
Why is there this difference?
When we run annotations, we extract all entity mentions from the document and we consider a DATE to be an entity mention. Here is some sample code. I've add some commented out options if you just want to extract time expressions and you want that TimexAnnotations.class field to be populated.
When I run this command:
I get TIMEX annotations for the DATE. The
annotator should be applying SUTime by default.