So, what i'm trying to do is adding a Javascript snippet in wordpress admin new post page, so that when i click a button it fills up the CONTENT textarea where the body of the post goes. Adding it is not a problem, i've already done this, but for some reason filling up the content field doesn't work.
The textarea from the wordpress admin page is:
<textarea rows='10' class='theEditor' cols='40' name='content' tabindex='2' id='content'></textarea>
Also i tried to fill up the POST_TITLE input and it works fine. I know the problem might come from the JS scripts of wordpress for the content field, because it's not a simple textarea, it's a JS text editor. Any suggestions? And the JS snippet is:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("input[name$='post_title']").val("a letter");
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = "testing";
return false;
PS: jquery library already included
to set (or get) the value of an input type element, including<textarea>
, like this:You shouldn't mix jQuery and standard dom calls? Try this:
Worked fine for me from the Firebug console.
Update: Sorry guys, missed the part that it's TinyMCE we're talking about. Here's the code that should be used to update both the hidden textarea AND the visual editor itself:
For more info check out the TinyMCE Commands API