I want to use kivy+Python
to display items from a db
To this purpose I have asked a question before: Python+kivy+SQLite: How to use them together
The App in the link contains one screen. It works very well.
Today I have changed the App to two screens. The first screen
has no special requirement but to lead the App to the second screen
. In the second screen
there is a label
and a button
. By clicking the button
I want to have the label text
changed. The label text
refers to the car type
from the db
file that I have in the link above.
For this two screens design, I have two questions:
Question 1: How to update the label text
when the button
is clicked?
I tried with two methods:
Method A: self.ids.label.text = str(text)
It shows me the error message: AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '__getattr__'
I have googled a lot but still cannot understand.
Method B: self.ids["label"].text = str(text)
It shows me the error message: KeyError: 'label'
I am confused because I have the label
Question 2: How to set the label origin text
to one of the car type, so that everytime the second screen is shown, there is already a car type shown.
Here is the code: (For the db file
please refer to the link above.)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.properties import ListProperty
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen, FadeTransition
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.graphics import Rectangle
from kivy.properties import NumericProperty, StringProperty, BooleanProperty, ListProperty
from kivy.base import runTouchApp
from kivy.clock import mainthread
import sqlite3
import random
class MyScreenManager(ScreenManager):
def init(self, **kwargs):
@mainthread # execute within next frame
def delayed():
def load_random_car(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect("C:\\test.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Cars ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;")
currentAll = cur.fetchone()
currentAll = list(currentAll) # Change it from tuple to list
print currentAll
current = currentAll[1]
print current
self.ids.label.text = str(current) # Method A
# self.ids["label"].text = str(current) # Method B
class FirstScreen(Screen):
class SecondScreen(Screen):
root_widget = Builder.load_string('''
#:import FadeTransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.FadeTransition
transition: FadeTransition()
name: 'first'
orientation: 'vertical'
text: "First Screen"
font_size: 30
text: 'Go to 2nd Screen'
font_size: 30
on_release: app.root.current = 'second'
name: 'second'
orientation: 'vertical'
id: label
text: 'click to get a new car' # I want its text changed when the button is clicked everytime. And its original text value should be one of the random car type from the db file.
font_size: 30
text: 'Click to get a random car'
font_size: 30
on_release: app.root.load_random_car()
class ScreenManager(App):
def build(self):
return root_widget
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have read a lot from internet, but I cannot understand them all. :-(
Please help me to correct the code. Thank you so much!
is typically how you would do this ...