I am using the Zend PHP Gdata API for Youtube to retrieve data and upload video on Youtube and need to get Insight information for each video but confused how.
I have read on forums and random posts it comes through in the getVideoEntry if you are authenticated and you own the video (which I am / and the video is). I get the statistics object but I wanted the full insight data.
I have seen the following documentation but can't see how to get it using the API:
Thanks, James
I finally got this working and got the insight zip file download in the feed when calling "getVideoFeed" with the URL: "http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/uploads" make sure though you setMajorVersion(2) on the Youtube connection object.
Please note: After speaking to YouTube directly the Insight ZIP returns 7 days by default, although changing the user_starttime you can get a MAXIMUM of 28 days.
Hope this helps someone in the future!