Swig error with Nested enums in C++

2019-06-08 20:52发布

I have a class similar to the following. It has a nested enum OptionTag.

class MediaPacket
           struct RtcpAppName {
           char mName[RTCP_APPNAME_LENGTH];

          enum OptionTag {
                         RESERVED  = 0,
                         PROFILE   = 1,
                         LATENCY   = 2,
                         PKTLOSS   = 3,
                         JITTER    = 4,
                         LEGACYMIX = 5,
                         LASTTAG   = 255

          list<OptionTag> GetOptions(unsigned int ssrc) const;

For this I created a swig interface as follows

%module mediaopts_packet
%include "stdint.i"

//Redefining nested structure in swig
struct RtcpAppName {

    #include "../include/mediaopts_packet.h"

//nestedworkaround key for the nested struct
%nestedworkaround CRtcpAppPacket::RtcpAppName;
typedef CRtcpAppPacket::RtcpAppName RtcpAppName;

//Some swig definitions that are not related to this problem
//%include "carrays.i"
//%array_class(uint8_t, buffer);

//%include "typemaps.i"
//%apply (unit8_t *STRING, int LENGTH) { (uint8_t *id, uint32_t len) };
//%apply uint32_t & OUTPUT { uint32_t & xmitOpt };
//%apply uint32_t & OUTPUT { uint32_t & rcvOpt };
//%apply uint32_t & OUTPUT { uint32_t & optValue };

%include "std_list.i"

namespace std
    %template(ListUint32) list<uint32_t>;
    %template(ListOptionTag) list<CRtcpAppMediaoptsPacket::OptionTag>;

%include "../include/mediaopts_packet.h"

Using the code in python

Python 2.7.2+ (default, Oct  4 2011, 20:03:08)
[GCC 4.6.1] on linux2
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>>> import mediaopts_packet
>>> packet = mediaopts_packet.MediaPacket()
>>> packet.AddSSRC(0,1,1)
>>> packet.GetAllSSRC()
>>> ssrc_list = mediaopts_packet.ListUint32()
>>> ssrc_list = packet.GetAllSSRC()
>>> ssrc_list
>>> ssrc_list[0]
>>> packet.AddOption(0, mediaopts_packet.MediaPacket.RESERVED, 0)
>>> packet.GetOptions(0)
Segmentation fault

After building when I use this in python I get a segmentation fault. I am not able to understand what I missed. Please help.

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