I was just searching for
How to optimize webpage and load it faster.
The solutions I got is we need to use caching and expires tag so that required documents of the webpage like images, css, jscripts can be cached in the local memory and the system uses the same whenever next time request is about to be sent and thus reducing the HTTP request to the server.
Has anyone used this feature in the website they developed or does anyone have knowledge about how to use this. Please help me on this or Please give me any link so that I will read it by myself.
I searched in google for a long time but did'nt got any proper solution for my problem.
I am developing my website with .net and C# and SQL server.
Well I dont know the correct format of adding the same in the page but I just got to know about how we can increase the speed of webpage loading and now I want to implement it in the website I am going to develop. Atleast someone might be having knowledge about this right. Please let me know.??
Well this links will help you to understand how to minimize the HTTP requests.
Link 1 Link 2
Thank you user1429080 for the links.. :)