How would one go about doing this? I'm looking for a dense, purely graphical menu on tap-hold.
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In 3.2 you can add menu items using the
property. But I think subclassing won't be useful, since it's a singleton that does not returns the views of each menu item. You could accessmenuFrame
is called, so you can add you're own view that looks like a menu items with icons. But for adding icons to the system menu items... I think you should stick to what's Apple is giving you ;)My low reputation don't let me post links, therefore I am answering again here:
Check Emoji & Symbols, perhaps it will fit to your purpose.
Go to your Xcode Menu -> Edit -> Emoji & Symbols.
Good luck!
I wrote a category to support image for UIMenuItem. It's based on method swizzling, but should be safe in most cases.
Note: duplicate answer to
EDIT: the above link is 404'ed, this link works