I have this model:
And In one of my ViewController classes I created a method with 3 do while loops (a nested loop) where I insert all the "cursos", "temas" and "subtemas" to populate all my coreData model.
So, inside that method I put this loop to access a part of my coreData data to see if my nested loop work, I did it like this:
var i = cursos.count
var index = 0
}while(index < i)
"cursos" is my NSManaged object array containing all my "cursos", so in that last loop I think I access the "subTema" data of my first "curso" with the first "tema".
Well, everything went like I want, but When I tried to access the same data in another class (my original goal: have access to my data anywhere), my method to access the data don't recognised my "subTemas" stack of NSManagedObjects linked to my other two stacks of NSManagedObjects. Example:
Maybe I need to access my data in another way, through my relationships perhaps? if that so, how can I do it? I really need your help, thanks !
Update: My NSManagedObjects Subclasses generated by Xcode:
import Foundation
import CoreData
class Curso: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var msjBienvenida: String
@NSManaged var nombre: String
@NSManaged var nombrePng: String
@NSManaged var temas: NSOrderedSet
import Foundation
import CoreData
class Tema: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var nombre: String
@NSManaged var curso: Curso
@NSManaged var subTemas: NSOrderedSet
import Foundation
import CoreData
class SubTema: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged var nombre: String
@NSManaged var tema: Tema
Update 2 (relevant code for MartinR):
Inside the VC where I will make a web service call to fill my coreData data, here I don't have to cast my arrays, I can access my data like cursos[index].temas[0].subtemas[ 1 ].name , why ? :
func webServiceCall2(index:Int){
var defaults: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
var exeWebServiceCall2 = defaults.objectForKey("exeWebServiceCall2") as? Bool
if (exeWebServiceCall2 == true){
var temasArray:[String] = ["Word","PowerPoint","Excel"]
var subTemasArray: [String] = ["Introduccion","Tema 1","Tema 2"," Tema 3"]
//Guardar temas y subtemas adquiridos de mi web service a mi grafo de objetos de coreData
var cantidadCursos = cursos.count
var indexCursos = 0
var cantidadTemas = temasArray.count
var indexTemas = 0
var cantidadSubTemas = subTemasArray.count
var indexSubTemas = 0
var error: NSError?
do{//para cada uno de mis cursos
var cursoActual = cursos[indexCursos]
do{//agregar un objeto entity Tema(que contiene un arreglo con los temas)
let temaEntity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Tema", inManagedObjectContext: managedContext)
let temaActual = Tema(entity: temaEntity!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: managedContext)
temaActual.nombre = temasArray[indexTemas]
//Inserto todos los temas a mi curso Actual
var temas = cursoActual.temas.mutableCopy() as NSMutableOrderedSet
cursoActual.temas = temas.copy() as NSOrderedSet
let subTemaEntity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("SubTema", inManagedObjectContext: managedContext)
let subTemaActual = Tema(entity: subTemaEntity!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: managedContext)
subTemaActual.nombre = subTemasArray[indexSubTemas]
//Inserto todos los subTemas a mi tema Actual
var subTemas = temaActual.subTemas.mutableCopy() as NSMutableOrderedSet
temaActual.subTemas = subTemas.copy() as NSOrderedSet
//Guardar, aunque no estoy seguro si puedo usar el mismo managedContext que ya tenia
if !managedContext.save(&error)
println("No pude guardar: \(error)")
}while(indexSubTemas < cantidadSubTemas)
//reset index subtemas y aumento indexTemas para el siguiente ciclo de temas
indexSubTemas = 0
}while(indexTemas < cantidadTemas)
//reset index temas y aumento indexCursos para el siguiente ciclo de cursos
indexTemas = 0
}while(indexCursos < cantidadCursos)
defaults.setBool(false, forKey: "exeWebServiceCall2")
property is aNSOrderedSet
, and the subscript[0]
returns the typeAnyObject
. So (as already said in a comment) you have to cast theAnyObject
to the actual typeNote that you can simplify your loop using
for - in
:and recursively enumerating all objects would look like