I'm trying to do something after scrolling stopped.So, I tried using OnScrollListener#onScrollStateChanged(SCROLL_STATE_IDLE)
to detect when the scrolling stopped(either TOUCH_SCROLL or FLING
)(at 1.5 it's runs as i expect).
But when it runs on 2.0, onScrollStateChanged can't received the event after releasing the finger.Is there any callback or anyway to detect that event?
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The trick is to keep track of when the user is flinging and when they are not. It seems like this is about the only distinction you can make because, like you said, the transitions from scrolling with a finger to idle are not recorded. Here's what I'm talking about:
And then in the listView adapter:
So, instead of reacting to the change in the listener, just load the images (or whatever you need to do that's intensive) in the first place as long as there's no flinging going on.
This is all taken out of my project here: https://github.com/pkulak/mealfire_android
Try using the setOnScrollListener and implement the onScrollStateChanged with scrollState == 0 ... do what you need to do...