On an english Windows 10 using slovenian keyboard layout, all command line interfaces seem to have a problem with displaying (printing) UTF-8 characters, namely č, š and ž, which are replaced with ?. (I assume all UTF-8 specific characters, since ć and đ also do not work. )
Tested in:
- CMD, Powershell, Cmder on Windows 10 64-bit English - Slovenian keyboard layout ... unsuccessful
- Intellij IDEA on Windows 10 64-bit English language - Slovenian keyboard layout ... successful -> Works as needed in IDE, but not CLI.
- CMD Windows 10 64-bit English language - English keyboard ... successful
- CMD Windows 10 64-bit Slovenian languge - Slovenian keyboard layout ... succesful
- Several distros of Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Kali) ... successful
Tried so far:
- changing chcp to chcp 65001 ... unsuccessful
- creating Autorun file in regedit to force UTF-8 ... unsuccessful
- different java compilers ... unsuccessful
Sample code:
public class Test2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("č š ž ć đ");
>javac -encoding UTF-8
>java Test2
? ? ? ? ?
Other notes:
Problem appears on several computers running on different hardware. All of the above mentioned characters work fine in all of the above mentioned CLI by default. So the problem only seems to appear with java.
chcp 65001
then run withjava -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 Test2
:Remember to name your Java source file after the class name, case-sensitive.
After following @Andreas advice, i have further explored the issue and found a fix that works:
First force cmd to use chcp 65001 (UTF-8) following this link on superuser.
Secondly use the following command: