Whick is the best way to POST, PUT and DELETE from Backbone app to Rails app on different subdomains?
I have tried to fetch some data with Backbone from the Rails app and it works. I have tried to save new content with Backbone to Rails app.
I have real problems with PUT (updating a created model in database). I don't know why, but when I do in my backbone app something like: book.save()
And the book is a model that already existis on the database, instead of sendind a PUT petition to the Rails APP, it is sending an OPTIONS petition, and whithout the data.
Ideally, I want to send a PUT petition from the Backbone app to the Rails app, so I can do something like this in my Rails app:
Book.update_attributes params[:book]
The Rails App and the Backbone app are on different subdmains on same top level domain.
For methods that are not post or get, the client will send an OPTIONS request to determine what is allowed cross domain. You'll need two things. You'll need a way to respond with the correct response headers to tell the client that cross domain is ok. I create an after_filter in my ApplicationController since my cross domain needs are system wide.
Next you need to handle the options request In your routes.rb
and in the controller that will handler the request (ApplicationController for me)