I send email through codeigniter, and the hotmail recipients receive an email that seems empty.
But if you show the source, the body is complete :
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; sender-id=pass (sender IP is header.from=webmaster@biocoupons.fr; dkim=none header.d=biocoupons.fr; x-hmca=pass
X-SID-PRA: webmaster@biocoupons.fr
X-DKIM-Result: None
X-Message-Status: n:0:n
X-SID-Result: Pass
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MTtHRD0xO1NDTD0w
X-Message-Info: NhFq/7gR1vRbK5wwd2CCPiz2FoG/apC9Nlwn9QDQUkFtCAY0+3pBZaTO9tRcEil5WQ1UlFPTmVO6YI0VFRvEqJtfBxGnyrZjARsdKFYGzasctOU2tO5XGDWuESbcCr0Hq4XO6B1tyQE=
Received: from brunetprod.nexen.net ([]) by SNT0-MC3-F43.Snt0.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900);
Tue, 15 May 2012 23:44:54 -0700
Received: by brunetprod.nexen.net (Postfix, from userid 33)
id 9DB1030C00A; Wed, 16 May 2012 08:44:53 +0200 (CEST)
To: ecolehaiti@live.fr
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Vous_avez_oubli=c3=a9_votre_mot_de_passe_sur_Bio_Coupons=3f?=
X-PHP-Script: www.biocoupons.fr/index.php/auth/forgot_password for
User-Agent: CodeIgniter
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 08:44:53 +0200
From: "Bio Coupons" <webmaster@biocoupons.fr>
Reply-To: "Bio Coupons" <webmaster@biocoupons.fr>
X-Sender: webmaster@biocoupons.fr
X-Mailer: CodeIgniter
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <4fb34ce591593@biocoupons.fr>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="B_ALT_4fb34ce59161d"
Return-Path: webmaster@biocoupons.fr
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 May 2012 06:44:54.0956 (UTC) FILETIME=[671596C0:01CD332F]
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Your email application may not support this format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ? Pas de panique.
Pour créer un nouveau mot de passe, cliquez sur le lien suivant :
Vous recevez cet email à la demande d'un utilisateur de Bio Coupons . C'est
une étape de la création d'un nouveau mot de passe sur le site. Si vous
N'AVEZ PAS demandé un nouveau mot de passe, merci d'ignorer cet email, et
votre mot de passe restera inchangé.
L'équipe Bio Coupons
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<head><title>Création d'un nouveau mot de passe sur Bio Coupons</title></h=
<div style=3D"max-width: 800px; margin: 0; padding: 30px 0;">
<table width=3D"80%" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0">
<td width=3D"5%"></td>
<td align=3D"left" width=3D"95%" style=3D"font: 13px/18px Arial, Helvetica,=
<h2 style=3D"font: normal 20px/23px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin: 0=
; padding: 0 0 18px; color: black;">Créer un nouveau mot de passe</h2>
Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ? Pas de panique. <br />
Pour créer un nouveau mot de passe, cliquez sur le lien suivant :<br />
<br />
<big style=3D"font: 16px/18px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><b><a href=3D"=
http://www.biocoupons.fr/auth/reset_password/" style=3D"color: #3366cc;">Créer un nouveau mot de passe</a></b></=
big><br />
<br />
Le lien ne marche pas ? Copiez le lien suivant dans la barre d'adresse de v=
otre navigateur :<br />
<nobr><a href=3D"http://www.biocoupons.fr/auth/reset_password/" style=3D"color: #3366cc;">http://www.biocoupons.f=
r/auth/reset_password/</a></nobr><br /=
<br />
<br />
Vous recevez cet email à la demande d'un utilisateur de <a href=3D"http://=
www.biocoupons.fr/" style=3D"color: #3366cc;">Bio Coupons</a>. C'est une é=
tape de la création d'un nouveau mot de passe sur le site. Si vous N'AVEZ =
PAS demandé un nouveau mot de passe, merci d'ignorer cet email, et votre m=
ot de passe restera inchangé.<br />
<br />
<br />
Merci,<br />
L'équipe Bio Coupons</td>
The other mailer display the email fine. I try with and without doctype.
The rendered HTML :
<div id="mpf0_readMsgBodyContainer" class="ReadMsgBody" onclick="return Control.invoke('MessagePartBody','_onBodyClick',event,event);">
<div class="SandboxScopeClass ExternalClass" id="mpf0_MsgContainer"></div>
And the rendered html of a correct email (a text one)
<div id="mpf0_readMsgBodyContainer" class="ReadMsgBody" onclick="return Control.invoke('MessagePartBody','_onBodyClick',event,event);">
<div class="SandboxScopeClass ExternalClass PlainTextMessageBody ContentFiltered" id="mpf0_MsgContainer">
<pre>Bonjour,<br>Vous venez de vous inscrire à Bio Coupons et nous vous en remercions.<br>
As you can see, the message body div is not filled at all. I suspect a javascript problem, but why it's occuring on my email ? Thanks for your help
We ran into this in our web app, and I found that CSS comments were the culprit in our environment. After trying the above solutions with no success, I began dissecting our HTML templates line by line, section by section.
In our environment we use PreMailer.net (https://github.com/milkshakesoftware/PreMailer.Net) to inline our CSS styles from a normal stylesheet and inject it into the HTML email templates via partials. In those partial CSS files, there were CSS comments. When I removed those, the emails rendered properly in the outlook.com web client (which also provides mail service for @hotmail and @live accounts).
In our app, I changed the CSS comments from
/* */
to server side comments@* *@
(we're using razor syntax for our .NET MVC 4 app) and that did the trick.It was only lacking a new line at the top of the html code. i.e. :
Instead of
curious, isn't it ?