Hello again and thank you in advance for your help.
I've checked a few prior questions and couldn't find this exact situation.
I'm trying to transpose/pivot a row to column, but the results are based on a date function in the where clause, making my selects somewhat variable.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(packet_details.installDate,'%m-%d-%Y') as Install_Date, Count(packet_details.installDate) FROM packet_details WHERE packet_details.installDate >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 7 DAY AND packet_details.installDate "*lessthan*" CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL 7 DAY GROUP BY installDate *lessthan symbol wont show here on Stack & i don't know how to fix it
Not sure if that makes sense so I included a fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/5b235/3/0 So something like this:
INSTALL_DATE COUNT 1/24/2013 2 1/25/2013 2 1/26/2013 2 1/27/2013 2 1/28/2013 2 1/29/2013 1 2/3/2013 1 2/4/2013 1 2/5/2013 5 2/6/2013 4
Turned into:
INSTALL_DATE 1/24/2013 1/25/2013 1/26/2013 1/27/2013 1/28/2013.... COUNT 2 2 2 2 2 1
For unknown number of
, a Dynamic Query is much preferred,