I am trying to extract the hierarchy of Wikipedia category or Yago classification for DBpedia resources using the SPARQL endpoint. For instance, I would like to find out all the possible categories and classes in hierarchical form of entity, say, http://dbpedia.org/resource/Nokia, like Thing → Organization → Company → … → Nokia.
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A simple SPARQL select can retrieve the information that you're interested in, though it won't be arranged hierarchically. You're interested in getting all the types of a resource, as well as the
relations between them. Here's a very simple query for Nokia that can be run on the DBpedia SPARQL endpointSPARQL results
If you treat each pair of classes in that result set as a directed edge and perform a topological sort , then you'll see the hierarchy of the classes to which the Nokia resource belongs. In fact, since it is probably convenient to treat this as a graph, you can get it in the form of an RDF graph by using a SPARQL construct query.
SPARQL results
The construct query produces this graph (in N3 format):
The queries above retrieve the
hierarchy for Nokia. In the question, you also mention Wikipedia categories. DBpedia resources are associated with the Wikipedia categories to which their corresponding articles belong by thedcterms:subject
property. Those Wikipedia categories are then structured hierarchically byskos:broader
. These really are not types for the individuals though. For instance, the data contain:While it probably makes sense to say that Nokia is a Finnish_brand, it makes much less sense to say that Nokia is a Brand_by_country.