Viewport 3D WPF C#

2019-06-07 21:52发布

Can you please show how to set and save the background color of the viewport3D. Whenever I save no background is visible only model, I tried the grid but that gets everything in the grid? Any help will do?

Emotional °昔
2楼-- · 2019-06-07 22:16

I have provided some code for this, please verify it.

                <PerspectiveCamera Position="2,0,10" LookDirection="0.2,0.4,-1" FieldOfView="65" UpDirection="0,1,0">
                        <AmbientLight Color="#fff"/>
                                <MeshGeometry3D Positions="0,0,0 0,10,0 10,0,0 10,10,0"
                                                Normals="0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1 0,0,1"
                                <DiffuseMaterial Brush="Red"/>
3楼-- · 2019-06-07 22:29

Viewport3D doesn't have a Background property so you need something behind it.

your approach using a Grid is right, you might want to use a Border to enforce the use of a single child.

 <Border Background="Green">
  <Viewport3D Width="640.0" Height="480.0" >

I assume you are using XamlWriter, XamlReader . Just save the border instead of the Viewport3D and everything inside the border will be saved as well.

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