I'm try to find a solution, of how to get all the fields from a HASH
that has the same values.
For example
redis > HSET my_hash "foo" 1
(integer) 1
redis > HSET my_hash "bar" 1
(integer) 1
redis > HSET my_hash "baz" 0
(integer) 1
redis > HGETALL my_hash
1) "foo"
2) "1"
3) "bar"
4) "1"
5) "baz"
6) "0"
So what I want is to do something like HGETALL my_hash "WHERE VALUE = 1"
. And expected result would be foo
and bar
If someone could point me on how to do this using native commands or using Lua
would be awesome.
You can do this
in a lua script named script.lua
lua get hash by sequence key0,val0,key1,val1, etc...
and after you can call it that's way:
you will have :
more information for the eval function here
edit : as said deltheil in comment , for check only the values and don't make unecessary check you can step the for loop by 2 because the rendering of a hash request is key,values,key,value,etc...: