I am little confuse of Refresh Token in OAuth2. Like it says access token limit the time window of 1 hour that hacker can use the user credentials and refresh token is long live token which can be use to recreate the access token.
I am confused if someone stole the access token from cookie he can also stole the refresh token and can use the refresh token to create new access token as I have ajax request in JQuery (Client Side)
NOTE: I have created ajax request to send refresh token on server side I append the Client ID and Secret there with grant type refresh token.
I have saved both access token and refresh token in cookie and use following the ajax request to get new access token
jQuery(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
if(jqXHR.status == 403)
console.log('User is not Loged in Redictet to Login Page');
if(jqXHR.status == 401)
var refresh_token = Cookies.get('refresh_token');
if(refresh_token != undefined)
url: CONNECT_API_URL+'/refresh-token',
type: "POST",
data:{ refresh_token: refresh_token },
success: function(response, status, jqXHR){
if(response.access_token != undefined)
var expires_in = new Date(new Date().getTime() + response.expires_in * 1000);
var access_token = response.token_type+' '+response.access_token;
Cookies.set('access_token', access_token, { expires: expires_in });
Cookies.set('refresh_token', response.refresh_token, { expires: 14 });
$.ajax(ajaxSettings); // Re send same ajax request with access token in cookie has been set
console.log('Redirect to login page.');
How should I used refresh token to enhance the security?
Here on this blog post with the title Refresh Tokens: When to Use Them and How They Interact with JWTs the topic from your question is nicely discussed.
A quote from that post:
In the RFC6819 spec they write the following about storing access tokens on the client:
And about the issuance of refresh tokens:
This means you should probably think carefully on where you want to store your refresh tokens. This post Where to Store your JWTs – Cookies vs HTML5 Web Storage deals with exactly this topic.
As also mentioned in this answer on StackOverflow only the
is not enough to get a newaccess_token
.This can also be found in that same RFC6819 spec:
Refresh tokens should be used only once. When the
is used it will return a newaccess_token
and a newrefresh_token
. It renders the oldrefresh_token
useless meaning it can no longer be used.It also allows the authentication server to recognize that a
was compromised, since it should only be used once. If a new renew request with the samerefresh_token
comes in the authentication server knows there is something fishy going on. Not sure what is the proper way for the server to deal with such a scenario though... (maybe someone else can shine some light on this)This is also in the RFC6819 spec:
Your access and refresh tokens can be compromised on the client but the tokens could also be intercepted somewhere in between your client and the server. The
is sent only once to a client while theaccess_token
is being sent to the server with every request, that is why the chances of a man-in-the-middle getting his hands on youraccess_token
are much bigger then the chance that yourrefresh_token
is compromised.In general it is good to fully understand the OAuth2 protocol so that you can properly implement it. About the security I would say in short:
I hope this gives you some insight on this topic. If someone wants to add or correct my post please feel free to edit/update/compliment the answer or leave a comment.