My application has an admin account and the testing has been within that.
This account then has hyperlinks for 'regular' users that they use for their login, for example:
These links are generated each time I run the test suite and the id's are different.
I've created a test to locate and click on the hyperlink on a page that lists these users and their login hyperlinks. The test runs and selenium makes the browser bring up the new window but how do I then switch to it, so I can login and continue?
To make it more challenging the other window has an empty title, i.e.
I can get the programmer to add a title but it would take time. Is there any way with/without that to identify and switch to the other window?
You can use the windowhandle to switch to the new window. Something sort of..
Hope it helps..
I'm assuming you are using Selenium IDE. So from the Selenium Reference
would be ideal if you can retrieve the name of the new window that is opened.