I want to use qtip together with cytoscape.js to dispaly tooltips in nodes on mouseover event in graph created with cytoscape.js. I have placed following code inside ready: function() as shown below:
cy.on('mouseover','node',function (event) {
var eid = $(this).data('id');
overwrite: false,
content: eid,
position: {
my: 'right center',
at: 'left center',
target: $(this)
show: {
event: event.type,
ready: true
hide: {
fixed: true
}, event);
But, there is no tooltip displaying in node on mouseover event.. Please help me.
Here is the best solution I found today. Just include this code in your ready function, and besides qtip functions and css, include https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js-qtip, it will show tip when node or edge is clicked
Provide the correct coordinate to qtip to interact with node hovering. It can be done with cyPosition Hope this helps:
also you are not specifying event target. And don't forget to use mousemove while dealing with canvas.