'GCMHelper', ($q)->
pushNotification = {}
_init = ()->
defer = $q.defer()
pushNotification = window.plugins.pushNotification;
window.onNotification = (res)->
console.log('onNotification', res)
return defer.promise
return {
register: ()->
console.log('gcm register success', res)
console.log('gcm register err', err)
"senderID": "*********",
"ecb": "onNotification"
in controller:
(Please excuse my poor English)
I'm tring Cordova PushPlugin with Cordova 4.2 and Ionic beta 14, it got success callback every time with "OK" string, but ecb onNotification
never fired, and no error at console. I almost have no ideal with that..., any one help?
Use the following for Push Notification in Android and iOS. It will work properly for you. After install the app, user will need to open the app for call ecb methods. In iOS, PushNotifcation's register success method will returns the mobile register id in result but in android, it will return only OK. In Android, onNotificationGCM method will be called for two type event 1) RegisterId and 2) Notification Message. I have also added the showNotificationAPN/GCM method for show notification popups with $ionicPopup.alert().